Welcome to the RNA centre

We are a research group at the Guangzhou National Laboratory. We are a research group at the Guangzhou Laboratory. If you are interested in working with us, please see more information on (Vacancies).

Miao lab

RNA centre (Miao lab) is a computational biology laboratory, which focuses on the research of RNA structure, function ( RNA structural informatics ) and single-cell omics sequencing. We develop new computaitonal approaches (algorithms, databases, integrated computational workflows) to understand the RNA function at regulation level and structure level.

RNA structural informatics:

Our lab seeks an agile and predictive understanding of how RNAs code for information processing and replication in living systems. We are creating new computational and chemical tools to enable the precise modeling and design of these RNAs.

single-cell omics:

We have a longstanding interest in understanding global principles of gene regulation and protein-RNA interactions. We use state-of-the-art genomics approaches, including multi-modal single cell genomics and spatial genomics in combination with machine learning methods to advance our knowledge of cells and tissues.

We are looking for passionate Associate Investigators, Postdocs, Assistant Investigators and Research Assistants to join the team (more info) !

We are grateful for funding from Guangzhou Laboratory (Gzlab), MOST and NSFC .


10. Jan 2025

Our research team organized an unforgettable team-building trip to Nankunshan, more details are here.

30. Dec 2024

We published a paper in Nature Communications Alleviating batch effects in cell type deconvolution with SCCAF-D. we present ‘SCCAF-D’ (Single-Cell Clustering Assessment Framework optimised reference for Deconvolution), a framework that achieves stable accuracies about 0.75 Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) in a ‘cross-reference’ setting via optimally prepared reference data, thereby improving the accuracy of cell proportion inference.

30. Dec 2024

We published a paper in European Journal of Human Genetics RICTOR variants are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. This study revealed that the mTORC2 pathway was hyperactivated in a patient’s fibroblasts carrying a missense variant, while the expression of RICTOR remained unchanged, indicating a gain-of-function mechanism and confirming the potential role of RICTOR in neuronal cell development.

2. Dec 2024

Recently, Prof.Zhichao Miao and Academician Eric Westhof collaborated on an article entitled RNA-Puzzles Round V:Blind predictions of 23 RNA structures in the Nature Methods. The article published the results of RNA-Puzzles Round V, which conducted a large-scale evaluation of predictions from 18 teams around the world, involving 23 RNA structures, including RNA elements, aptamers, viral elements, ribozymes, and nuclear switches.

1. Dec 2024

Congyu Lu is joining the lab as a Postdoc.

24. Oct 2024

We published a paper in Front Cell Infect Microbiol Virome analysis provides new insights into the pathogenesis mechanism and treatment of SLE disease. This study revealed the diversity of the SLE virome and the association between viral infection and the disease, providing new insights into the prevention and control of the disease.

9. Sep 2024

Lijing Huang is joining the lab as a Research Assistant.

6. Aug 2024

Guoquan Ning is joining the lab as a Research Assistant.

2. Aug 2024

Significant Update! Prof.Zhichao Miao and Prof.Sheng Liu collaborated on an article entitled A brain cell atlas integrating single-cell transcriptomes across human brain regions in the Nature Medicine. The study presents a comprehensive single-cell atlas of the human brain, covering nearly all major brain regions in health and disease, and demonstrates the utility of using the atlas to discover putative neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and understand microenvironment-driven differences in microglia. The brain cell atlas will become a valuable resource for studying brain cells and functions, and enhance our understanding of neuronal processes and neurodegenerative diseases.

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